There is no District 12.
Bam! I forgot how fun reading fiction is. After watching The Hunger Games on Cruise TV yesterday, I decided that I’d look for the second book in the library and much to my luck, I found it.
As expected, the book, Catching Fire, was a quick read and a perfect way to spend a day at sea. As unexpected, the stories will tint how I interact with my world for the coming week, from the food sculptures at the buffet and mentions of the natives use of the moss found on forests of Sitka Spruces.
Extra: Today* is Day 27, Post 23 of my 30 day blog challenge. Click ‘Follow’ at the bottom of the page to receive weekly updates in your inbox or follow me on Tumblr if that’s your scene.
* Living on a boat for 10 days, I had limited access to the internet so post-dating my entries for the date written (vs the date actually uploaded).